What was I saying about community?


Betcha can’t tell which one is me….

It’s a bit hard to see in this photo, but these are my Dress-Up Chucks™. They sparkle, you see, so they’re perfect for galas and the like. They’re not sequinned but when the light hits them right, they’re magic. This was taken after the EAC Saturday night gala/dinner at the Westin Halifax. Not shown: gales of editorial laughter and frightened staff.

I have a personal policy: If I can’t wear my Chucks to The Thing™, I don’t go to The Thing™. That’s not always the case, but hey. I’m fifty-four years old and I’ll do whatever I want.

The post is short today as I want to write a longer note about the Editors’ Association of Canada’s conference I attended this weekend in Nova Scotia. Such a whirlwind of laughter and seafood and learning! I didn’t have the chance to document it.

Tomorrow, dear readers!

Kimmy BeachComment